Vito Nicola Capozzi was born on 7thJuly in 1889 in Gioia del Colle from Vincenzo and  Letizia Pugliese, in a poor economic background that bordered on poverty. When he was 13 he participated to the movement of  farmers, born in Gioia del Colle in 1899 to defend the rights of the poorer classes. As socialist and politician he has become the symbol of freedom and equality of men because as a teenager he fought for the emancipation of the agricultural proletariat. Religion was the ‘guiding star’ of his life, in fact, he was often described as a ‘religious socialist’. Nicola always stated that he professed a genuine socialism corresponding to a pure Christianity.In 1906 Capozzi was official enrolled in the Italian Socialist Party in 1919 was appointed secretary of the provincial federation of socialist.That period was characterized by the birth of a new political ideology: the fascism. Supported by Benito Mussolini together with farmers and industrialists, this political movement achieved power by armed teams that terrorized the citizens with violent actions. In November 1926 Mussolini decided to break up and declared every party outlawed with the exception of the fascist one; then he suppressed  all the newspapers and the associations adverse to the regime, he imposed the revision of passports to leave the country and he authorizes the police to shoot during clandestine expatriation attempts.Nicola Capozzi was considerated like a militant of the Socialist Party.

In February 1926 Nicola, after his appointment as adviser of Socialist Party, was incriminated with the accusation of incitement to revolt, public insult to the government and armed insurrection against the state power.Capozzi and all the party of Gioia del Colle begin to be persecuted by the fascist teams. He was confined for 10 years in Ustica, Ponza, Ventotene and imprisoned for 3 years in different jails, he underwent 10 processes and also placed in the category of the most dangerous people in Puglia.At the end of World War II Nicola came back to Gioia del Colle, continued to fight for a better world and decided to subscribe to Italian Communist Party.   In 1952 with Magnani, an ex-member of the PCI, Nicola gave life to the MLI (Movement of Italian Workers). He died on 23th of April in 1976 after a long illness but he will remain forever in the history as a brave man who fought for a better world.  

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