IISS ‘Ricciotto Canudo’

The  Institute of Secondary Upper Education ‘Ricciotto Canudo is formed by two institutes : the Scientific Lycem and the Classical Lyceum ‘ Publio Virgilio Marone’.  L The Scientific Lyceum has a scientific curriculum to follow where together with Latin , Italian, History and Phylosophy  students are involved in the study of Maths , Physics, Sciences, Biology, ICT.


Ricciotto Canudo was born on Jenuary, 2nd 1877 in Gioia del Colle. He moved first to Florence where he studied oriental languages: Chinese and Japanese and after in Paris. He was near all of the avantgarde: art criticism, literary aesthetics, music and film.   Canudo was a journalist, reporter, writer and philosopher. He always considered him to be neither French or Italian, but “mediterranean” and “latin”, a son of the  south that forced him to emigrate, to look elsewhere for the fulfilment  of his cultural dreams. He was friend of famous intellectuals such as Picasso and he influenced birth of film making industry. He is considered one of the first intellectual with an European vision.  He stated that culture’s proper role is the union of peoples even those with the most different ideologies.  Canudo wanted to banish war and violence.


The secondary high Grammar school  “Publio Virgilio Marone” was founded in 1926, and the present building dates back to 1932-’34 the fascist period. Recently it has been restored to conform to security laws.
Students are proud of attending this historically famous  school, which has given hospitality to students from “the scientific secondary lyceum” for several years  giving special  emphasis on science and mathematics.  Only recently the two different high school sections in Gioia del Colle, the Lyceums “Publio Virgilio Marone” specialized in humanities and “ Ricciotto Canudo” have joined together to become one school.
The most popular place of the school is the outer gym, where we play volleyball when it is sunny  and library, rich of precious and ancient books you can’t find anywhere else in Italy.
In secondary high  Grammar school  “Publio Virgilio Marone” students study humanities and scientific subjects, like Italian, Latin, Old Greek, English, Maths, Science, Biology, History and Geography.
“Mens sana in corpore sano” is a Latin motto, emphasising the importance of an harmonious development of both body and brain. It always accompanies students’ training.
The tradition in the school coexists with modernity, in fact its slogan is ” a new high school with an old heart”.

A Latin motto which is always the reference point  in this school: DELECTANDO DISCIMUS: that means that “we learn enjoying ourselves.” 

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